We design spaces where subtle pinch of colour allows to create contrasts and defines the different areas. The choice of materials, colours and textures can create an atmosphere that appeals to all of our senses.

We are a design studio that specializes in creating functional spaces. Based in Cracow and Warsaw, Poland.

We design spaces and objects on various scales: from private apartments, to interiors of commercial premises, exhibitions, common spaces to cubature objects and the space between them: courtyards or playgrounds. We work at the points of contact of these areas, ensuring a smooth transition between them. We combine them in our projects, such as designing an exhibition with a graphic design or a café together with a visual identity. As a result, we are able to create a visual system from 2D to 3D with attention to custom details.

We strongly analyze the existing context and build the character of the place around it, focusing on the needs of its future users.

Our design approach is guided by the functionality of solutions, simple and logical aesthetics. We pay attention to forms, shapes and colors, and use them to organize the space. Relying on grid motif helps us to maintain right proportions but often turns into a form of decoration, what we really like to incorporate into our projects.

We have been running our design office since 2015, our projects have been published ex. in Wallpaper, Elle Decoration. The interior of the Dudek Ice Cream Shop in Mielec was ranked among the 10 most beautiful ice cream shops in the world by Wallpaper magazine. We also won the Tile Award competition for ceramic tile design, developing the project at a workshop in Iceland.